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Microservice Interaction Prediction in Communication Platform as a Service in SIU 2022

Microservice Interaction Prediction in Communication Platform as a Service
Kemal Aktas, Hakan Kilinc, Nafiz Arica
In 2022 IEEE 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU).

In telecommunication platforms, it is necessary to monitor the system, take quick action against possible and observed errors, and ensure the continuous operability of the system. However, debugging and problem addressing processes can take a long time in microservice architecture-based platforms with high number of users and heavy traffic. This difficulty arises from the necessity of detecting microservice interactions. In the first phase of this study, it has been observed that providing microservice flows and interactions saves operational teams a significant time during the debugging process. In this scope, different machine learning-based models that predict microservice interactions have been developed and performances are compared. In these models, log patterns are extracted on microservice log data and the interaction map of the mentioned microservice is created by estimating the previous and next microservices that the current microservice interacts with at a certain moment. In the experiments on microservice logs working with the basic call scenario, successful estimation results were obtained that could contribute positively to the debugging process.
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  title={Microservice Interaction Prediction in Communication Platform as a Service},
  author={Akta{\c{s}}, Kemal and Kilin{\c{c}}, H Hakan and Arica, Nafiz},
  booktitle={2022 30th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU)},